The function of the police is to maintain public order and to protect the government and its institutions. The police do not provide public safety. The only circumstances the police will provide public safety is when there is a threat to public order.
A law qualification indoctrinates law practitioners to serve the interests of the legal system, and membership in the legal system mandates law practitioners to serve the interests of the legal system - not the clients they represent.
Elevating a minority over everyone else does not create equality. Either everyone is equal or not.
Attempting to achieve diversity by selecting people based on gender, race, or sexuality rather than merit is the definition of discrimination.
Australia will borrow $500bn from the USA for the AUKUS submarine deal. Then every dollar will be looted by the US military-industrial complex without a single dollar invested in Australia.
When women's sports leagues reject transgender women, transgender women can compete in a men's league without objection.
The Russian challenge in the High Court of Australia challenging the Australian government's law to cancel the lease for its embassy will fail. Russia should know that Australia does not have a separation of powers. Whatever the government wants is enacted by the parliament - including retroactively. The High Court must apply the laws of the parliament. Furthermore, the relevant minister has absolute power and discretion.
The United States of America (USA) government uses foreign governments it controls to detain high-value people and then extradite and imprison them in the USA. The USA government then uses these political prisoners in exchange for US spies or terrorists caught by foreign countries such as China and Russia.
In Queensland, Australia, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has and frequently uses the power to stop, detain, search and interrogate any person at any time without a cause or warrant. The QPS frequently conducts operations to stop and search people in cities and regions of the state.
In Queensland, Australia, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has and frequently uses the power to stop, detain, search and interrogate any person at any time without a cause or warrant. The QPS frequently conducts operations to stop and search people in cities and regions of the state.
The Speaker of the Queensland Parliament has and uses unlimited power to indefinitely ban from Parliament and imprison people such as political opponents without reason and the possibility of judicial or administrative review.
Voting in the interest of people by Australian and state Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the governing party or the opposition is prohibited. MPs are mandated to vote as dictated by their party's regime. MPs are expelled from the party when their vote does not conform.
Some public figures claim to be intelligent, yet they accept everything said by a former North Korean as truth, even when her statements blatantly contradict the laws of mathematics and physics. None of these people bother to do a basic search for information from Western intelligence agencies that contradicts the claims made by this person. People tend to believe whatever conforms to their pre-existing narrative or belief system, regardless of how false it may be.
The glorification of US soldiers and veterans is an impressive feat of propaganda. They are revered as heroes for defending the United States of America. However, is invading and occupying other countries to steal their natural resources and infrastructure and supporting the fraudulent military-industrial complex defending the USA?
In reality, soldiers and veterans are hailed as heroes to entice them and others to sacrifice their lives for the US dollar and to justify their war-mongering and war crimes. If these soldiers are heroes, why does the US government abandon them and treat them poorly once they are no longer useful?
Some fitness influencers and over-enthusiastic fitness enthusiasts tend to lift weights that are beyond their capacity without any proper plan or form for a few minutes a week. But when they fail to achieve desired results, they often accuse the people who put in several hours per day, maintain a disciplined workout regimen, and follow an optimal diet to build an athletic physique of using performance-enhancing drugs.
The right to protest is a principle of democracy. Protesting is prohibited by law in Australian states and is punishable by significant prison terms. A peaceful assembly in a place dictated by the government is not a protest.
The United States of America invaded Panama and massacred more than 5000 civilian Panamanians in 1989 to steal the Panama Canal.
In Australia, an unfavourable statement about Ukraine or its president is a non-conforming speech that is prohibited.
According to western news agencies and governments, Ukraine has been winning the war with Russia for more than a year. Perhaps it's time to give winning a break and end the war
Because Australian democracy and freedom are entrenched beliefs rather than reality, the people will forever live in ignorant bliss regardless of how low their standard of living is.
Australia cannot make any Parliamentary, executive or judicial decisions that do not conform to the expectations of the United States of America (USA). Although Australia is part of the Commonwealth, ultimately, it is a part of the US empire and is governed by the USA.
Gender quotas imply that women need special treatment because they do not have the ability and capability to compete on their own merits.
People who use philanthropy to create fame and wealth are not generous. They use philanthropy as a tool to perpetuate philanthropy that creates fame and revenue. Genuine generosity is philanthropy in secret.
People confuse God with religion. When religion fails to deliver, they blame God.
Artificial intelligence (AI) recycles false, misleading and blatantly stupid information, perpetuating the stupidity of people who use it.
Harsher sentencing does not resolve a crime problem caused by socio-economics.
The state government of New South Wales in Australia has 34 vacant positions for candidates out of 93 and only two months until the election. Where are the disenfranchised women who want to enter politics?
Contrary to what ignorant Westerners believe, protest is constitutionally protected and accepted in Russia and China. In Australia, protesting is not constitutionally protected. It is prohibited and punishable by imprisonment.
When governments falsely claimed that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines prevented transmission, was that misinformation?
People are advertising their sexuality as a status symbol.
As Saudi Arabia becomes open to trading in currencies other than the US dollar, can we expect the USA to send 'freedom' to the Saudis?
Aboriginal people confuse oppression that affects everyone with racism. However, labelling every Caucasian person a coloniser is racist.
Death threats against politicians are not a left or right problem. It is a 'bad politicians' problem. Politicians must take responsibility for their public policy rather than blaming political sides for people hating them.
Why isn't the USA imposing its western style of democracy on the Saudi Arabian monarchy as it does on other nations?
Many organisations mandated SARS-CoV-2 vaccination because of the fear of liability for infections. If the vaccines are proven to cause injuries, will those organisations accept liability for mandating vaccination?
The USA has boxes where people can anonymously leave their unwanted children. How does a society reach a point where people can abandon unwanted children with convenience?
In Australia, the elected members of parliament do not directly govern the country or any state. Instead, a small group of individuals not elected in state or federal elections control the relevant party and make decisions about public policy.
Public services such as utilities are expensive and unsustainable because politicians and governments have inserted their donors and associates into the supply chain, which all take a cut.
In Australia, members of parliament swear an oath or affirm that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the monarchy - not the people of Australia.
Contemporary societies project the attributes of democracy, such as elections, the right to protest, freedom of speech and freedom of expression. However, in these democracies, the majority do not influence the political process or power.
The contemporary definition of a fact is a thing that is believed to be true by a government or the loudest minority.
In mergers and acquisitions, the most important place to check is the toilets. The least important are financial reports.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics states that 2020 had the lowest mortality rate on record from respiratory diseases, followed by 2021, which had the second lowest. The data contradicts the government's narrative at the time.
Women comprise more than half of the population, and only 12% of women work in construction. Has anyone ever considered that women may not want to work in construction or other occupations, such as politics?
Do we have a vaccine for stupidity yet?
The speaker in the US House of Representatives is not elected democratically. A speaker is selected, and then the representatives vote until that person has a majority, regardless if someone else has a majority first. The voting continues until the chosen person wins. That demonstration of democracy reflects the democracy of the Western society.
If women want the same remuneration as men in the same sports, they can compete in the men's leagues for the same reward.
The USA is delusional about its military capability, economic status and influence, amongst many other aspects. Its delusion is causing its collapse.
You don't know what you don't know.
For the confused, capitalism is when the government collects taxes and gives the funds to the private sector, which delivers services for a fee. Socialism is when the government provides services from the taxes it collects.
Governments should negotiate and sign mutually beneficial objectives and target agreements with environmentalists to provide certainty and reduce the impact of protests. They should review the agreements periodically and add or remove signatories as required.
Governments and corporations have such agreements with labour unions, so why not with environmental activists?
Has virtue signalling saved the world yet?
The Western propaganda machine labels China communist because the government owns the land. Australia has the doctrine of tenure, where all the land belongs to the Crown, excluding native titles since Mabo. People in Australia can only buy and sell the tenure, but the Crown owns the land.
A comprehensive examination of unequivocal, publicly available data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics demonstrates an exaggeration of the SARS-CoV-2 threat and that the vaccination program was unnecessary and ineffective.
Australian state and federal governments prohibit their members of the legislative assembly from representing their electorates. Members of the legislative assembly are mandated to represent the party - not their constituents.
"Acknowledgment of Country" does nothing for indigenous people.
Affirmative action destroys the careers and lives of the people it pretends to help. Affirmative action sets people up to fail, which often has catastrophic consequences.
Religion hasn't changed for millennia, whilst science changes with the wind. We had two genders, and now we have dozens. Only women could bear children, and now men can too. Science needs to straighten its facts.
To revive the economy, the government has to stop killing it first.
I am intrigued by how an organisation comprising only women is considered diverse, but an organisation comprising more than 50% of men is not.
If social platforms banned people for inciting stupidity?
Women are given significantly lesser sentences than men for the same offences. In some jurisdictions, lenient sentences for women are statutory.
The purpose of protest is to bring attention to an issue by being inconvenient. Prohibiting protests that cause inconvenience is undemocratic.
Australia will penalise its citizens and economy into poverty.
Electric cars are not sustainable. They will follow a path like the compact disk or Blu-ray. They will be superseded by hydrogen or synthetic fuel systems before their market cycle matures.
Protesting in Australia is prohibited by law. The penalties for protesting are severe. Penalties include lengthy imprisonment and are more severe than for serious violent offences.
In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, a person who disagrees with the government, the government deems a high-risk individual.
The western society describes itself as the free world. The self-proclaimed leader of the free world is the leader of one specific nation that proclaims itself as free.
What does it mean for a world to be free?
Does freedom mean people have all the rights the government will give them?
Does freedom mean that people can say anything that doesn't offend another person or contradict the government?
Does freedom mean people can move freely anywhere and anytime the government dictates?
Does freedom mean people have the right to all the natural resources they can pay to afford?
Does freedom mean people can associate with anyone the government approves?
Does freedom mean people can have as much justice as they can afford?
The history of reporting by Western news agencies demonstrates that the President of Russia has been ill and dying for a lifetime. If enough time passes, he will die, and the reporting will be deemed factual.
Headphones and earphones have no business in a public gym. A public gym is not a private lounge to sit on equipment listening to music whilst admiring yourself in the mirror. Don't be offended about removing your earpiece because someone has to communicate with you.
The abundance of free speech in western societies silences anyone who offends the loudest minority or a government.
Jurisdictions such as Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America have collective punishment supported by their highest courts. Collective punishment violates the basis of values intrinsic to human nature and positive law and should never be accepted.
What is the context?
When women, indigenous people or a minority of the times secure a leadership role, society applauds them as if they have achieved a feat. Are white men so superior that it is a feat to hold the same positions as them?
Not selecting a person because they are a white male is discrimination regardless of how woke society thinks it is. How is a policy or law that requires the selection of a minimum of 50% of women not sexist? A minimum means that 100% of women in an organisation are acceptable, but 51% of men are not. It is astonishing that society applauds this and doesn't recognise it as discrimination.
Stupidity kills more people than all the diseases combined and destroys more lives than any natural disaster. It is dominant in western cultures and thrives in political and corporate leadership. The symptom of making the infected oblivious to the fact they are infected prevents the eradication of the greatest bane of society.
Which genders are included in the supposed gender pay gap?
Professional chief executive officers (CEOs) are experts at leading organisations to failure. They focus on shareholders, financial reports and survival. They don’t understand innovation, customers or people.
Professional CEOs are simply administrators that administer an organisation. They don’t have a vision that inspires an organisation and its people like a founder.
Countless past, present and future examples exist of organisations falling from the top upon the arrival of the professional CEO after the exit of a founder.
If speed detection cameras are effective, why does the number of infringement notices increase when the number of speed cameras increases, and why doesn't the number of speed-related fatalities decrease?
According to who, compared to what?
Assess performance on the number of complaints as a percentage of customers. Complaints may rise with an increase in market share but do not necessarily reflect poor performance compared to a competitor with a lesser market share. Although this methodology seems like a given, it is not the practice of people who consider themselves experts in this area.
The claims by contemporary, virtue-signalling society that women require special treatment because they do not have the capabilities to achieve their goals or fill leadership roles are false.
For all the university professors, consultants, executives and geniuses - policy defines what we do, while procedure describes how we do it.
Is Queensland, Australia the only jurisdiction in the world where donations to a political party or a politician are legislated as non-political?
Monkeypox has been around for more than 50 years. Why is it suddenly a problem?
Promoting a symbol for one minority because it's the flavour of the times is not inclusive. Perhaps it's better not to elevate one group above others. Or even better, don't group people based on race, gender, sexuality or beliefs in the first place.
Greed is catching-up with the construction industry. Hence, it is difficult to find sympathy for those people and their organisations.
The following paragraphs are in the same article separated by one paragraph:
"The child is the third person aged under five to die from the virus in the state."
"The cause of the death is yet to be determined following a referral to the Coroner."
One of these must be false.
Paying employees differently based on their gender is unlawful and goes against anti-discrimination laws. If the gender pay gap is as widespread, why aren't there more prosecutions?
The people complaining about Russia invading Ukraine, please note. The USA has The Hague Invasion Act, which exists to prevent the prosecution of the US military and other officials of the US government for war crimes by an international criminal court.
That 'nobody' may know 'somebody.'
How is it possible that governments can pursue journalists and whistle-blowers across jurisdictions but are powerless against scammers who steal millions from vulnerable people? If Julian Assange joined an Indian scam syndicate instead of escaping to the Ecuadorian Embassy, he would be a free man today.
Whether you vote for the red clown or the blue clown, in the end, you elected a clown.
A fact is something believed to be true by a government or the loudest minority.
Affirmative action is black privilege.
Australia is a lawless society. In Australia, laws are made and changed by a small group for convenience and to maintain power and control.
We are at a point where 'SARS-CoV-2' will be the least of our problems. Inflation will be the next global crisis.
The Australian government uses disinformation laws and the Ministry of Truth to control the flow of information and shape the narrative in their favour.
In socialism, the government collects taxes to collectively provide infrastructure, services and security to the people. In capitalism, the government collects taxes to give to themselves and their corporate masters to sell infrastructure and services to the people.
I do not believe anything. It either is or it is not.
This world is a game and the laws are the rules. The person that has the best understanding of the rules wins.
Governments must prohibit offering Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) orders to individuals under the age of 21, people with mental health issues, or those with disabilities. These groups may not possess the requisite capacity to decide upon the appropriateness of DNAR orders. Moreover, such orders are vulnerable to exploitation for various unethical and immoral reasons.
Are politicians mostly stupid people because the occupation attracts such people, or they are easy to control?
Security for costs should not prevent access to justice. The court must evaluate the defendant's ability to absorb the costs and the standard abuse of process examination when affordability is a barrier to justice.
New-age leaders and managers often create new titles for standard roles within their organisations. Why not adopt a standard classification system such as the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) to establish standardisation of titles and position descriptions? It is similar to using a standard language that the majority can understand. Creating new titles does not necessarily improve the organisation's performance or efficiency. It is important to note that there are only five legal titles within any incorporated organisation: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, and Officer.
Common law is a dynamic legal system that is constantly changing and evolving. It has been developed and improved over many centuries. It has been tested and proven to be just and fair.
On the other hand, statutory law is a static legal system created and enforced by the government. It is often quickly passed by authoritarian legislatures to maintain their power and control.
Resumes have little value in recruitment. As is said in capital markets, "Past performance is no guarantee of future results." Recruiting should be guided by intelligence and critical thinking ability, and capability. A resume demonstrates neither.
Governments must ensure that Firearm Protection Orders (FPOs) are used for their intended purposes and guarantee unrestricted judicial review. Only the judiciary should be able to grant an FPO, not the executive branch of government, such as law enforcement. FPOs can give the executive branch the power to harass and intimidate government critics and political opponents. To prevent such abuse of FPOs controls such as judicial approval to issue an FPO and legislated limited reasons for an FPO must be put in place.
Remember when we laughed at the crazy prediction of the future in the Robocop Movies? Thirty years later, here we are, and the reality is not so funny. I feel bad for the people who will live in 2505.
When a business becomes a corporation, its success is almost always due to customer focus. However, as the corporation expands and becomes a conglomerate, its focus shifts away from its customers towards its shareholders. At that point, the corporation will inevitably begin to decline. History has repeatedly shown that when corporations prioritise shareholders over customers, their downfall is inevitable.
In 1933 Germany, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and political opponents were dangerous and therefore had their rights taken away. In 2021 Australia, critics of the government and unvaccinated people are dangerous and have their rights taken away.
The Boeing 737 Max 8 was also approved and safe until the aeroplanes started falling from the sky.
While social platforms ban accounts that state that current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines do not prevent transmission, vaccine developers, health authorities, and governments admit the current vaccines do not.
An insurer can discriminate based on statistics that young men are more likely to make a claim. However, it is an offence to consider the biological fact that women may not have the same physical capabilities as men.
Just because the whole world believes something it does not make it true.
I support increasing remuneration for members of legislative assemblies to attract skilled and competent candidates. However, there is no evidence that such increases have been effective
What are the government's plans if there are mass long-term side effects from the presently untested SARS-CoV-2 vaccines?
Governments must legislate to prevent manufacturers and vendors from limiting consumers' rights and ability to repair. Governments should also actively enforce the ability of consumers' right to repair consumer and commercial products during and after the warranty period.
Law enforcement officers should issue an infringement notice or notice to appear to individuals who refuse to comply with SARS-CoV-2 health guidelines. Disputing legal matters belongs in a court, not on the street or in a park. Brutalising people for not wearing masks or violating lockdowns is not an appropriate use of police services. These heavy-handed tactics undermine the fragile public trust in the police and government. Instead, the matter should proceed to court to avoid tarnishing the reputation of the police. Scenes of police wrestling with individuals over a mask only further erode public confidence in law enforcement.
Governments must not permit civil asset forfeiture and should only allow criminal asset forfeiture with judicial review.
The Western world falsely believes that the USA protects them from some external threat. However, the only protection that the USA offers is from its tyranny, oppression and sanctions, as long as its allies conform and keep paying. Countries that don't pay for this so-called protection are threatened and punished, including the threat of war, sanctions, and economic assassinations.
The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a theory taught in law schools and wishful thinking in the legal system.
Warrants should only be granted by a magistrate or a judge.
Governments must prohibit the use of detection dogs to circumvent search warrants. Law enforcement officers often use detection dogs to create a pretext for conducting searches, especially on motor vehicles. When someone refuses to allow a voluntary search, officers use a detection dog to provide reasonable grounds for a search by giving the detection dog a covert command to alert. Law enforcement agencies should regularly audit the detection dog's accuracy and permanently dismiss the handler and dog if the inaccuracy rate is high.
The sale of extended warranties, which provide protection already available under the law, should be prohibited or restricted. Extended warranties should only be allowed if they offer better protection than is already provided by the law. In their current form, extended warranties are misleading and a scam. At the very least, merchants should disclose to consumers what is already covered by law when they offer extended warranties for sale. This disclosure should be clear and explicit, and verified disclosure should be required, similar to when selling general insurance.
Governments should ban no-knock warrants due to their danger to the residents and law enforcement.
Establish, implement, and maintain bug bounty programs to leverage public communities and efficiently expose application and network security weaknesses at a lower cost.
Why do governments consider the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine safe, even though it has caused death, while they consider driving while using a mobile telephone unsafe?
When God said that sex equals marriage and any sexual activity outside of marriage is an unwise decision, it was not a mere religious ritual. God said it because God knew that people often put themselves in compromised situations, and others may take advantage of the opportunity.
The reason why women are not paid less than men for doing the same job is straightforward. If women were paid less for doing the same work, then men would become unemployable. Employers will not pay more if they can pay less for the same outcome. It is a simple fact of business.
The world would be a better place if leaders were elected based on their capabilities rather than popularity.
It is undemocratic and a violation of freedom to prevent a person from registering to vote or voting due to their indebtedness. Any measures that prohibit a voter from voting because of their debt status can be considered voter suppression. Such measures can disproportionately affect people who may be more likely to be exposed to indebtedness. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that every person has the right to vote, regardless of their financial situation.
Can candidates representing political parties advocate for the best interests of their electorates?
Development is an essential aspect of accommodating expanding populations and improving communities. However, it should not be at the cost of damaging the environment. Humans have the responsibility and can create innovative solutions to build sustainably without harming the environment. There is no justification for the environment to be harmed by development, as environmental protection measures reduce costs and promote efficiency.
The right to protest is a fundamental aspect of democracy, and any inconvenience caused by protesters is a small price to pay for upholding democratic principles.
Only state or federal police or government-owned and operated protective service can provide security at quarantine facilities where a health risk to the community exists. Private security service providers are generally not equipped with the necessary training and resources to provide competent services. Additionally, private security service providers may not always act in the public interest.
The speed limit controls currently in school zones are more than adequate. Changing the environment is not the correct response to road safety. Pedestrian safety education is crucial, yet it is not implemented enough in schools. Rather than relying solely on controlling the environment in limited zones, the focus should be on educating children about road safety to prepare them for travelling outside the safety of a school zone.
Governments must require approved aged care providers to report the ratios of staff members to aged care recipients for each residential care service. These ratios should be made publicly available to ensure transparency, accountability, and to provide essential information to the public. This information will help people make informed decisions when selecting residential care services.
Organisations and individuals must establish, implement and maintain measures that prevent and mitigate the risks associated with cancel culture.
When does quarantine become deprivation of liberty, imprisonment without charge, or unlawful arrest?
The Western governments' intention to ban one particular social platform seems politically motivated and lacking in coherence. The rationale given for this move is privacy and security concerns, which appear to be insincere. Other social platform applications collect much more user data. Western governments not being able to control and manipulate any social platforms seems unacceptable.
How is destroying, removing or renaming monuments eliminating present and future racism?
Any individual or organisation can create a dominant currency. They can do this by offering a product or service that others need and making their currency the only accepted form of payment for the product or service. As the product or service becomes in demand, this generates demand for the new currency. People will start to exchange other currencies for the new currency, and some may even use it exclusively among themselves, leading to its preference and value, similar to how the US dollar retained its value. Without this preference, the US Dollar would be worthless. However, in the future, there is a possibility that a large corporation that controls many products and services may develop a currency and use it to control people by denying supply to those who do not align with the corporation's values.
Governments must act swiftly in response to the pollution of the earth's oceans. The impact of pollution on the oceans and its inhabitants is enormous, and people must take measures to prevent further damage. However, many corporations prioritise profits over environmental objectives, resulting in a lack of incentive to enforce controls on their pollution of the oceans. Additionally, recreational activities of the general population, such as fishing, pose a significant threat to ocean flora and fauna. Therefore, governments must take action to address this issue.
Governments and law enforcement agencies must not delegate the responsibility of operating mobile speed cameras to third-party organisations. Speed camera operation is considered a law enforcement function only performed by sworn law enforcement officers. Outsourcing any aspect of law enforcement to private, civilian organisations undermines the credibility and authority of the government and law enforcement agencies.
God is brutally unambiguous. God is especially unambiguous about marriage. Marriage is when a man and a woman engage in sexual intercourse. The way God intended marriage requires dedication and commitment, so people watered it down and created an optional paper marriage.
It is a fact that during every crisis, large corporate organisations experience significant failures in their funds and liquidity management. This problem is so common and predictable that it is hard to tell whether it's due to incompetence, greed, ignorance, or a combination of all three. Why do corporations with supposedly highly skilled and intelligent leaders still experience such systematic failures?
Media agencies and journalists must have immunity from prosecution for publishing government-related and national security information, including top-secret information. It is essential to have a free press to maintain a functioning democracy. The media has a vital role in auditing government activity, and citizens must have the means to scrutinise and hold the government accountable. National security is not a reasonable excuse to conceal government transparency and accountability.
Discrimination, racism and police brutality issues have been brewing for a long time and have now reached a boiling point. These issues are the cause of many unnecessary deaths and have devastated many people and communities. Violence stemming from discrimination is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Therefore, how is changing the brand name of a cheese a priority right now?
Correctional facilities and their services should always remain under government ownership. There is ample evidence to show that privatisation of correctional facilities and services hurts the population and is likely to increase incarceration rates.
Law enforcement officers have no reason not to be held to the highest standard of compliance since they have significant power and responsibility. Their authority grants them broad powers. Therefore, they must be proportionately accountable for their actions. Penalties for their misconduct should be considerably higher than those for civilians. Law enforcement officers found guilty of assault, manslaughter, or murder should receive the maximum allowable penalty.
The government must ensure affordable and reliable access to essential medicines through government-subsidised pharmaceuticals for vulnerable people.
Relevant governments must provide free ambulance transport and emergency services to all residents without cost being a barrier to access.
It's fascinating to see those who use death threats and derogatory comments to draw critical attention to discrimination and racism.
Governments must remove restrictions on solar energy capacity, including those imposed by energy retailers and networks. In the case of electricity network-dependent restrictions, governments must expedite network upgrades to eliminate capacity restrictions.
The unfortunate reality is that only violent protests are a catalyst for change.
Governments must refrain from enacting laws that would outlaw end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption is essential to the security, safety and privacy of individuals. For law enforcement purposes, law enforcement agencies should follow existing access to information processes such as search warrants granted by the courts.
Nations and their governments should never allow themselves to host any facilities of the United States of America (USA) used to commit war crimes or any other unlawful activities. These facilities specifically include facilities operated by the USA Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) known as Black Sites.
Host nations of USA military facilities must conduct frequent and thorough inspections to ensure the US military is not conducting unlawful activities at such facilities.
Nations must never accept to host any US nuclear weapons installations. Supporting such plants facilitates nuclear proliferation and contradicts non-proliferation treaties.
Jesus came to deliver a stern message and paid the ultimate price for it. However, people have since repackaged it and presented it as Christianity, with a pretty bow on top, and sold it for profit.
Affirmative action is the greatest catalyst of discrimination and inequality.
Only racist people are offended by blackface.
Why is the candidate for the United States of America presidency selecting a woman for vice president instead of the best person for the job? Choosing a candidate based on gender is discriminatory.
People falsely believe they have rights. The government has the greater right to take away all rights.
The main objective of a business is to maximise profits by producing goods and services at the lowest possible cost and selling them at the highest possible price. Therefore, privatising public infrastructure lowers the standard of service delivery and increases the overall cost for taxpayers.
The notion of "innocent until proven guilty" is a false belief repeated often enough to be considered a fact. If true, the accused would have the right to plead innocent. However, that is not true. A person cannot plead innocent in court. Furthermore, the defendant must attend court to defend the charges and challenge the prosecution and its evidence.
Finally, the jury can only find the defendant guilty or not guilty. A not-guilty verdict does not mean the defendant is innocent. A not-guilty verdict is delivered because the prosecution did not meet its burden of proof to convict.
Performance of road safety legislation, regulation, policy and relevant campaigns should be measured by the number of motor vehicle accidents rather than the number of fatalities.
The number of motor vehicle and road use fatalities is an inaccurate measure of the effectiveness of government road safety initiatives. Using the number of fatalities is inaccurate because the single most significant contributor to the reduction in motor vehicle-related fatalities has been motor vehicle safety. For example, if there is no decrease in motor vehicle accidents but a decrease in fatalities, it is not accurate to claim a campaign targeting inattention was successful. The campaign was not successful as it did not reduce the number of accidents, whilst motor vehicle safety prevented fatalities in those accidents.
It is crucial that emergency services remain under government ownership and not be outsourced to private enterprises or privatised. Evidence has shown that privatisation of emergency services negatively impacts response time and care provided by responders.
Private enterprises tend to offer the bare minimum level of service at the highest possible profit, leading to a lower standard of service and higher costs for individuals. Furthermore, privatisation can result in higher mortality rates. People may be reluctant to call for emergency services because of the expense.
My vocation is my vacation.
If God visited your church, would you know?
Incarcerated individuals must have the right and ability to enrol and vote regardless of the length of their sentence. A citizen governed by a government must remain on the electoral roll and retain the right to vote for who governs them.
Non-clinical services in the healthcare system must not be privatised. Privatisation increases risk and costs to patients and taxpayers.
Demanding a government do what it was established and mandated to do is not socialism.
Private aged care facilities must be rigorously regulated and audited. Regulation of private aged care facilities must be strictly enforced. Strict financial penalties must apply for violations that will fund further compliance monitoring.
Aged care facilities are predominantly privately owned by small, medium and large enterprises. This has resulted in a low standard of care at a much higher cost to the individual or family. Furthermore, the private ownership of aged care facilities has resulted in fraud, assault and unlawful killing for profit. Therefore, it is indisputable that aged care facilities require rigorous regulation and enforcement.
Does anyone remember when the US Navy shot down an Iranian passenger aeroplane in 1988, killing 290 people?
The most discriminated demographic is the 18 to 25-year-old male.
In the past, the church ruled and was the government. Now, corporations rule and are the government.
Subsidies for a developed mining sector are not necessary and are not a prudent expenditure of public funds, particularly for foreign entities. Miners should be required to build the necessary infrastructure to support the mining activities as part of the mining lease at the miner's cost. There should never be any contribution from public funds. Miners will not abandon projects if the government does not provide subsidies or any other contribution. Miners are not in a position to pick and choose where the resources are located and where they are permitted to mine.
If it is true that guns don’t kill people, but people kill people. Then perhaps people shouldn't have guns.
It is easier to win an election through strong leadership and good public policy than by insulting opponents. However, it is easier to insult opponents than being a strong leader and having good public policy.
God and religion are opposites.
The conviction of an Australian Catholic Cardinal has exposed a flaw in the Australian legal system. The cardinal was convicted based on a single victim’s testimony from three decades ago.
The closer a person is to religion, the further away they are from God.